Aug 152008

From Rob Novak’s blog:

The SNAPPS Quickr Templates at have been updated with various fixes and a new feature I’ll describe here. But first, a note on versions.

We elected to match version numbers with Quickr when 8.1 shipped, so 90 days ago when they were posted, our versions revved to 8.1. Now we also have fixes to the templates unrelated to the Quickr version number or hotfix level, so have taken our versioning out two decimal points – the new version is If we have another release before IBM revs to 8.1.1 (or whatever’s next), our version will be Clear? Good.


  2 Responses to “SNAPPS Quickr Templates updated”

  1. hi

    was wondering if there is a way to show an external RSS feed on the home page (or any page) of a quickr. would you know how to do this?

    steven ross

  2. Steven,
    No that is not possible in Quickr out of the box but can be accomplished by back-end code.
    Please direct all your questions like this to the LDD forum.

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