Sep 112009

First I have to apologize for not posting anything on my blog for some time. It has not been much time over for blogging lately.

Well, it’s September again and time for Collaboration University in Chicago and London plus a visit to Sweden and the family there. This year I have to leave my family, here in Kansas, for 18 days. Not something I like to do but with work the first 13 days and then being so close to Sweden make it almost impossible not to go there. Cheap airline tickets with Ryan Air doesn’t hurt either.

I’m very excited about CU this year. Showing the new Lotus Quickr 8.2 features in Troy’s, Rob’s and my sessions, together with sessions about Lotus Sametime 8.5 with the new WebSphere-based Meeting Center and Lotus Connections 2.5 are not short of amazing. If you are attending this year, it will not be disappointing.

I hope to CU in Chicago, London or maybe Sweden!

May 282008

Collaboration University opened it’s new website today with a brand new fresh look. Registration also opened for the event. This year we will be in Chicago and London. This event is a deep focus on Lotus Quickr, Lotus Sametime and new this time Lotus Connections focused on on integration and APIs.
From Rob Novak’s site:

In Chicago we’ll be at the IBM Innovation Center, located on the Chicago River a few blocks from Michigan Avenue. I have visited the building twice this year, and folks it is a great place to have the size and type of conference we produce. In two weeks I’ll be in London visiting our venue there, IBM South Bank. Just a few blocks from Waterloo station, Marriott County Hall, the London Eye, and accessible from all over central London. Our dates (both start on a Monday and run through Wednesday)

Chicago: September 8-10, 2008
London: September 15-17, 2008

This year we are also trying a brand new workshop concept

For our workshops this year (Wednesday afternoon post-con), we’re trying something different. We’re going to give you a month’s experience in 3 hours! The workshop will focus on Quickr Domino development and administration. Developers will go to one room and work on an application – with significant help – for 90 minutes, while the admins will start with a “bare bones” install of Quickr and apply best practices security settings, modify LDAP, configure notes.ini and qpconfig.xml, and set up MSSO. Next, each developer will pair up with an admin to deploy the application and test it. If that’s not real-life enough, your resident business client (me) will request a critical change in the application so everyone – developers and admins alike – can learn what choices you have to make when deploying changes to a production Quickr environment.

Visit and look around and register early for discounts. We also have a discount for past Alumni this year.