Jun 042007

Several people have commented and emailed me wanting some sort of forum where I can post updates to code, examples and tutorials and where you can post your code variations, updates and ask questions to me and others.

So I have created eKrantz.com Forums where you can register and ask questions and write your comments about Dojo Calendar and Lotus Quickr code and tutorials. So go there now and register so we can get some good discussions going.

Mar 092007

Friday again and I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Our small group meet tonight and tomorrow I’m helping lay Cat5 cable at my church, Legacy Christian Church.

Today, my son Erik turns 12 weeks old. Erik is growing and is already close to 17 lbs (37 kg). Everybody in the Krantz family are doing just great, after a couple of weeks of stomach flu and what not. I don’t have a more recent picture of Erik on my laptop, so this one will due. Our home computer crashed a week ago but new motherboard, CPU and 320 Gb hard drive arrive from Newegg today. The picture is taken just moments after he was born on the 15th of December, 2006.

Have a great weekend everybody.