Sep 042012

I travel a lot and I use for all my itineraries. I also use FlightTrack Pro and it syncs all my flights automatically from Tripit. This help me keep me up-to-date with any last minute flight and/or gate changes.

I use Lotus Notes as my email and calendar application on my Mac and I like having all my Tripit itineraries showing up on my Lotus Notes calendar. Today I found that I have to change the URL that Tripit tells me to use from “webcal://” to “https://” and it will work great.

So on the Tripit calendar instructions page under instructions for Lotus Notes, I had to also change the URL from:



  4 Responses to “Tripit and Lotus Notes”

  1. Thanks a lot. Somebody should tell Tripit the solution 🙂

  2. Thanks Victor! Simple Solution!

  3. When i do it i sadly get a Authentication failure Anyone a solution?

    I have note 8.5.3 and changed the webcal to https….

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