Sep 042012

I travel a lot and I use for all my itineraries. I also use FlightTrack Pro and it syncs all my flights automatically from Tripit. This help me keep me up-to-date with any last minute flight and/or gate changes.

I use Lotus Notes as my email and calendar application on my Mac and I like having all my Tripit itineraries showing up on my Lotus Notes calendar. Today I found that I have to change the URL that Tripit tells me to use from “webcal://” to “https://” and it will work great.

So on the Tripit calendar instructions page under instructions for Lotus Notes, I had to also change the URL from:


Dec 122011

Lotusphere 2012 - Business Made SocialIt’s that time of the year again! Lotusphere time.
For the 11th year in a row I’ve been gracefully selected to speak at Lotusphere.

AD106 IBM Lotus Domino XPages anywhere – Write them once, See them Everywhere

If you need to feature Domino XPages applications in more than just a browser – for example in the IBM Lotus Notes client and sidebar, desktop gadgets, mashups, IBM WebSphere Portal, and IBM Connections – then come to this session! You will learn how to write XPages applications once and show them everywhere.
Stephan Wissel, IBM Singapore Pte Ltd,
Viktor Krantz, IBM
Monday, January 16, 05:00 PM – 06:00PM UPDATED DATE
SW Mockingbird 1 & 2

Lotusphere –  Business. Made Social.
January 15-19, 2012 – Orlando, Florida

The premier event for the Lotus community worldwide – developers, administrators , IT and business professionals looking for collaborative software and solutions. From presentations on the latest innovations to hands-on training to interactive networking discussions, it’s all about getting the latest word on Lotus products and strategy that you can’t get anywhere else!

Aug 092011

After almost exactly one year my blog is now up and running again and a lot of things have happened since I last posted an entry.

I have a new employer and now work as a Sr. Technical Advisor for IBM. I started back in April and my primary job role is helping customers with their XPages in Notes and Domino, Social and Mobile decisions.

I worked for SNAPPS for 11 fulfilling years (about 22,000 hours) and I had a blast together with Rob Novak and my co-workers; Troy, Jerald, Julian and Melissa. Rob wrote a wonderful blog post of our years together on my last day at SNAPPS.