This years version of our Lotusphere session: “The Great Code Giveaway”: The Art of the Possible, is now available for download at
This application needs to run on a Domino server version 7.0.2 or above. Some Widgets may need version 8.5 or above to run.
This application uses The Dojo Toolkit JavaScript library.
The following is only needed, but required, if you are installing this application on a version of Domino below 8.5.
- Download version 1.1.1 or above of Dojo
- Unzip the download
- Rename and place this directory on your Domino server in the following path:
This path is hard coded into the MyDomino form. If you want to change the path you can by modifying the HTML shown below in the MyDomino form:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/domjs/dojo-1.1.1/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
This application was tested on version installed with Domino 8.5 (1.1.1) and downloaded version 1.2.3
The application was tested on:
- Internet Explorer 7.0.5 on Windows
- Firefox 3.0.5 for Windows
- Firefox 3.0.5 for Macintosh
- Change the ACL to match your current environment
- Make a non replica copy of the application on your Domino server
- Sign it with an appropriate administrators ID
Browse to the application and log in as a valid directory user. It should create a myDomino document automatically for the user.
The code is released under the Apache license. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Have fun with it.
Viktor, Rob,
Tx for a great session.
Very impressive stuff.
Tx for being able to download this.
I just bought a couple of Dojo books (and finished one on the flight back home ;-). Definitely worth looking into.
Your example code will help a lot too.
hi viktor,
thx for the session and for the cool stuff you gave away. i tried to setup the mydomino-app on one of my 8.0.2 servers but after the login, when i click on my username the domino-console shows this
HTTP Web Server: Lotus Notes Exception – Entry not found in index [/apps/mydomino.nsf/UserProfiles/CN_Hans_Unteregger_OU_SBG_O_Pappas?OpenDocument&dojo.preventCache=1233223658393]
do you have any hint for me, what’s maybe wrong?
thx in advance and greetings from austria
Does the user profile open. The first time you click your name no profile document exist. The application looks for an existing one first (that’s why you probably get the console error), if none exist it creates one with ?OpenForm. Does it open a new form for you?
No, when I click my username nothing happens and on the domino-console appears the error-msg.
If you go to the Notes client. Does the doc exist? Can you go to the that URL from the browser direct?
there’s no profile doc in the db. just for the record: i copied the latest dojo-version to the suggested dir, renamed it (to 1.1.1), copied the databases into a subdir on my domino (via the notes-client) and restarted the http-task.
is there anything else to keep in mind (db-location….)?
Should be nothing else to do. Are you using session authentication?
sorry, for the late answer. no time for testing at the end of last week. today i tried the same on my 8.5 testserver an it works.
although there’s one thing that’s not working: if i add the inotes widget, i’m unable to display my mailbox. i always get a time-out error from ?? how’s the syntax for the mailbox path?
thx for your support.
You have to change the path in the widget with a Notes client. The path to mail can be different on servers but is usually at “path_to_server/mail/mail_db_name.nsf”
hi, thx. now it works. really cool stuff.
I’m glad you got it working.
Enjoy and have fun with it.
Hi Victor,
Can you post the presentation also?
Thanks in advance.
The presentation only had about 10 slides. Not saying really anything about the session, just a history over the 8 years we’ve been doing it at Lotusphere. I’ll talk to Rob to see if he want to post it though.
Hello, thaks for the code. So…. I’ve got it working, but I have 3 questions.
1 – Can I add an RSS feed from a Domino database, just like a feed from a Blog ont he web?
2 – Can you tell me what format the “Server URL”, “Database Name” and “View Name” are looking for on the Domino View widget?
3 – Can I predefine a widget with info, and if so, how?
Great job byt the way. I’m thinking of using some of it for a corporat app.
Thank you for your kind words.
1 – No, Domino databases don’t have RSS feeds out of the box. You can create one by using a page and some HTML inside the view columns.
2 – I don’t understand what you mean by format.
3 – Yes. By adding the “dv” attribute to the JSON. See other widgets for example
Sorry, but format I mean what actually goes in the fields. For example, in the Server URL do you enter just the DNS name for the server or the entire path to the database? Likewise in the database name field, do you just enter the DB name or the entire path ralative to the data directory including the “.nsf”. I assume the view name is just the view name. Perhaps you could send me a screen shot of a database virew you have setup.
For the RSS feed, I’ve setup a Domino Blog database based on the 8.0 template, Does that have built in RSS capabilities?
Sorry, can’t type today (but format) = (by format)
Server – DNS name of the server
Database – Entire path relative to the data directory including the “.nsf”.
View – just name of view.
About the RSS feed in a Domino Blog db: I really don’t know since I don’t use that template, but I assume they have RSS feeds in there.
The Pandabear application looks great, but I’m still not able to install it from the web page. Other Adobe over the air applications are working fine – so my question is where to download the .air file directly. This way seems to be working.
Many Thanks in advance
(Linux – ubuntu 8.10 64bit)
Hello, we have successfully got my Domino up and running, I have one question:
Our site utilizes Single Sign On for nearly all web based applications, including My Domino. Single Sign On is in use for applications that are Domino based as well as those that are not. We are building widgets w/in My Domino to act like a dashboard to all other SSO enabled applications. We were successful in building our widgets, however the widgets cannot seem to utilize the current SSO cookie and pass credentials to the next application, causing us to login again. Is there a method w/in the widget that will allow us to use the current SSO cookie?
Thank you very much!
Are you trying to get data from other servers? If so are you using MSSO (Multi Server Sign On)?
Not necessarily retrieving data from other servers, just displaying information from other applications w/in the widgets of my Domino. Kind of like a “web page w/in a web page”. No, we’re not using native Domino MSSO, we’re using third party CA, SiteMinder to do SSO. All of our applications are protected by it. Outside of my Domino, if we open an application, then manually change the URL to go to another Siteminder protected application, we are not prompted for credentials.