Mar 282008

Dojo Toolkit 1.1 was released today with huge improvements. I’ve been testing the beta of 1.1 for some time now and it’s really great.

You can read more details in the Change Log, Release Notes and Porting Guides.
Here are some of the improvements.

  • An easy to use and significantly improved Dojo API Viewer with some seriously great features, including the ability to easily find the original definition of a method that is “mixed-in”
  • A growing collection of demos, tutorials, and articles
  • A new BorderContainer Dijit, which is a much better way to handle layout-based widgets than SplitContainer and LayoutContainer
  • Significant performance improvements to dojo.query and dojo.fx
  • Support for Adobe AIR and Jaxer, and updated dojox.flash and dojox.offline APIs
  • Major improvements to Dijit infrastructure and widgets
  • All around Dijit theme improvements including the CSS structure for themes, refinements to the Tundra theme, re-introduction of the Soria theme, and the newly added Nihilo theme
  • DTL, the Django Template Language, is now available for use in widgets with dojox.dtl
  • Vector graphics animations
  • Additions to DojoX including an analytics package
  • Improvements to Dojo Data and RPC, and support for JSONPath
  • Many improvements to the build system including CSS optimization, multiple-versions of the Dojo Toolkit co-existing in the same document, and other great tools for optimizing performance

On top of these there are over 800 improvements, bug fixes and enhancements. Way to go and a big congratulations to the Dojo Toolkit team. Head over to the site and download now.

  2 Responses to “Dojo Toolkit 1.1 is released”

  1. Hello!

    Have u any idea how to use it in quickr 8.1?

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