First of all, Happy New Year. I hope 2008 will bring you good fortune.
Here at SNAPPS I’ve been extremely busy preparing for my sessions at Lotusphere. I’ve already posted about them here. If you have a chance to attend Lotusphere this year, and are using Domino, I think this will be the most exciting one in years. If you see me in the halls, come up and introduce yourself. I love meeting new people.
December ended very hectic with my youngest son Erik’s first birthday and later Christmas with in-laws visiting. A great time with family and lots of great food.
I know a lot of you are waiting for my update of the Dojo Calendar to work with the Dojo Toolkit 1.0 and beyond. I’m working hard to have it out there for you soon. I’ve been very busy with “real” work, but I have a working copy so all I can say is soon.
Speaking of the Dojo Calendar. I have decided to make it work with To make the calendar get information from many different resources is important and the Dojo data stores make that more convenient using the same API no matter what the source is.
I hope I see you at Lotusphere.
Thank you for the calendar tutorial and the source code. I have searched for such code for about 6 months!
Have you finished the migration to a later dojo version?