Oct 092007
From Rob Novak’s blog, his original posting can be found here.
So – to recap – we found a massive, hairy, evil monster that can cause pain and most definitely fear in most human beings, especially around the office. So naturally, we named it SharePoint. Here is an actual photo of the beast, taken just this weekend.
Sadly this week, we’re going to kick SharePoint out. Turns out it’s too expensive to keep feeding it, and it really needs a bigger box (probably more than one) and more attention than anybody originally thought. It keeps getting bigger and bigger, and we’re honestly getting more afraid of it every day.
We have a lot of fun at SNAPPS.
We’ve conversed recently over your Ouickr8 templates. I’m impressed and appreciative regarding them. Appreciated your time and comments also. Todate we have not used Sametime 751 or Quickr8 to any extent. In November I’m to demo Quickr8/Sametime751 to management as to its practical use. I’ll be incorporating some of your templates for this. About a year ago we dumped our websphere portal in its attempt to provide us a collaboration environment due to poor performance and support.
One of my colleagues is also demoing in November a Sharepoint dashboard that pulls data from SQL servers, web pages, and links to our Domino server for collaboration and tracking tasks and comments. I can see where I can memic most of what he will be doing with the exception of pulling info from SQL databases. Was wondering if you could provide some insite to this one issue using a Quickr8 environment. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.