Jun 192007
Rob Novak has posted the sessions and speakers for Collaboration University for Lotus Quickr, QuickPlace and Sametime in July for both Kansas City and London.
For Sametime
- Sametime 101 – Deploying Sametime
- Sametime Meeting Center Customization Tricks – How to Roll Your Own!
- Top 5 hidden Sametime Hacks and Programming Tricks
- Developing Sametime Connect plugins
- Exploiting the Toolkits for Sametime Bots and Automation
- Sametime Links – Developing your own Queueing Application *Note from Rob – $10,000 in free code anyone???
- Installation and Configuration — Sametime Gateway for Public IM
- Deploying Sametime Connect Plugins
- Sametime 7.5.1 New Features (It’s Bigger than it Sounds!)
- Clustering Sametime Servers — Models and Examples
- Bandwidth and Capacity Planning
- Top 10 Support Issues for Lotus Sametime
- Monitoring and Managing Your Sametime Servers (Including the new Monitoring Toolkit)
- A Guide to Telephony Integration – A User’s Guide to Terminology and Options
For Lotus Quickr:
- Lotus Quickr 8.0 Introduction and Features
- Lotus Quickr Domino Installation and Configuration
- Lotus Quickr – Introducing and Understanding the new Templates Part 1
- Lotus Quickr – Introducing and Understanding the new Templates Part 2
- Quickr Development Fundamentals – Placebots, Forms and Themes
- Introducing the Dojo Toolkit
- Lotus Quickr Development — Leveraging Template Code to Create Your Own Applications
- Lotus Quickr for WebSphere Portal Installation and Configuration
- Lotus Quickr for WebSphere Portal Development Overview
- Using the Dojo Toolkit for Advanced Development in Lotus Quickr
- Integration Strategies for Lotus Quickr, QuickPlace, Domino and Sametime
- Flexible Views, Workflow Engines and More Reusable Tools!
- Roundtable – Small Groups Session (size limited)
- Lotus Quickr – Deploy How You Want, Where You Want – Integrating the Platforms
We will also have some foundation sessions on LDAP, Firewalls and the popular “Best 10 minutes from each speaker” session on the final day.
Collaboration University is a small, focused conference so you get one-on-one time with real experts and IBM development – folks like Carl Tyler, Rob Novak, Gabriella Davis, Chris Miller and more. Check out the speakers page, and get registered! See you in Kansas City and London!