May 212007

Many of you have requested that I publish the sample database I used for the Faster Ajax with Domino and JSON speed test. I posted the article back in March and I should have done this a long time ago.

All documents/notes has been deleted from the Domino database to save some space and bandwidth on my server. If you want to run the tests yourself on your server you need Firebug so it can calculate the time it took for the XHR (XMLHttpRequest) to run. If you just want to check out the code, feel free to do so.

All code are in two Domino Pages: TestJSON and TestXML

  • Download [download#4#nohits] and put it on your server.
  • Open it up in Notes.
  • Create a few dummy documents by selecting Create/TestForm.
  • Copy & Paste the dummy documents many times so that you have a lot of them.
  • Browse to: your_server_and_directory/XML_JSON.nsf/TestXML?OpenPage for the XML version.
  • Browse to: your_server_and_directory/XML_JSON.nsf/TestJSON?OpenPage for the JSON version.


May 172007

I have put the update of my Dojo Calendar on hold for a while. First I am extremely busy with work here at SNAPPS creating templates for the upcoming release of Lotus Quickr, secondly I’m upgrading all my code to fit better in the upcoming 0.9 release of the Dojo Toolkit.

I’m also looking into integrating with Google Calendar using their API. With PHP you can use the Zend Framework to do that. The next step is to port all my current PHP code over to Java Server Pages (JSP).

I’m very excited that over 200 has downloaded the code from the original post, so there must be some interest out there.

I have a few questions for you the reader.

  • What are your plans to use Dojo Calendar for?
  • What database will you use to store your calendar entries?
  • If you are one of the over 200 that has uploaded the original code. Have you done or are planning any modifications to the code?
Mar 022007

As several bloggers have posted, there is a new way of getting data out of Domino views using JSON. This feature was planned for Domino 8 but “slipped” into the 7.0.2 release of Domino.

I wanted to know if it would be faster to parse the data with JSON out of a huge view, with over a 1000 documents, and print the result back to the browser. So I needed a way of telling how fast it really was. Thanks to a great plug-in for Firefox called Firebug I could do just that. Get Firebug now. Serious web developers can’t live without it.

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Mar 012007

UPDATE: (Nov. 19, 2009) This widget only works for Dojo 0.4x.

At times I have had the urge to update the code and add extra features, but I just don’t have the time right now.

About this tutorial

After using Dojo for some time and looking for a calendar widget I gave up and started coding one myself. I had several goals with this widget: Using any back-end database for the entries, time zone changes, localized (internationalization i18n) and being able to drag entries to other dates.

This tutorial gives you all the code and files to get this calendar up and running on your server.

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